Monday, 1 October 2012

"Grow" Third Model Development

After having a play around with the Fibonacci Spiral I decided I wanted to directly use an extrusion of the spiral so that it would mimic the shape of one of my precedents

I decided to try using the Golden Ratio on a vertical plane as well as a horizontal plane, so that as the shape spiralled out it would spiral up as well, like this shell.

A lot of the problem I had with making a spiral like this was the attempting to make it precise and perfect. Doing this is Solidworks was a huge challenge, and though it would have make a very precise model it did not give me the creative control I wanted. I look it into 3DS Max, and used the soft selection and move tools to extrude the spiral, and manually welded a mirror image of the spiral to itself to make the above shape.

I decided that precision and perfection when making this model wasn't required, and in fact it would have been better if it had little imperfections in every different part of the spiral so that it would come of as a more natural object; perfection is an unnatural concept, where forms in nature or even man-made forms aspire to an ideal (whether real, imaginary, or in another dimension), and natural objects are full of imperfections. In my mind beauty is in the little imperfections, so I bent little parts of the spiral using the soft selection tool.

I decided I wanted to make a whole bunch of spirals stacked on each other so that it would forms a lattice in effect that could contain an object, like a seed or fruit. It was quite challenging making this, as the spiral I had made wasn't perfectly symmetrical, so it all had to be done manually....

...... so I used a rod as a point of reference to come out with.....

This! Inside is a model I had previously made which I wanted to use as a seed inside a piece of fruit, which I selected from these:

I chose the ball I made from a Mobius Strip that I made as part of a different family, as I liked the philosophical and physical connotations it had, how the shape resembled a man made version of the same spiral I had made from natural origins, and for the idea that a natural environment contained and mothered a man-made object - quite like the earth.

1 comment:

  1. About the Z direction is there any rules with Fibonacci pattern?
    I wander Z direction also has a patter just like X, Y direction spiral.
