Saturday 18 August 2012

Testing some lighting effects

 So the textures seem to be working, but they don't seem to be quite as vibrant as I would like them to be to make them as enticing and incendiary as I would like them to be. Time to have a go with some lights!

I thought I was doing something wrong when I first began this, but it turns out that my models are quite large in terms of scale so the lights weren't really doing much. Now that I've got that under control, It was time to get some mean looking renders!

I also had a go with using some of the Architectural textures, and using images for the 'Diffuse Map', so that I could play with some luminance, glossiness, and glow features to get my models to look more incendiary and enticing. Here is what came out:

I put some lights inside the models, to make them appear like they had an internal source of power, to make them look like a front door light to an inner world, or like they were glowing from heat such that they could spontaneously set on fire, effects which both suit my words. I have also decided that purple is the kind of colour I want to use for my final model, as it look enticing and psychedelic which relates both to my precedent image and my words.

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