Thursday 18 October 2012

Project 3 Photograph & Render

Here is my photograph and final render for the DSDN104 Project 3 "Grow"

As my model was based off the golden ratio which is fundamentally based on patterns in nature I chose to photograph my model in a natural environment as if it were a naturally occurring object. This is also the reason why the model has been dyed green, as I feel it is the colour that best reflects nature. The model ended up having minor imperfections which I celebrated, as the Golden Rule is a rule for perfection to which most naturally occurring examples of the rule aspire to be but can never perfectly attain.

In my render I wanted to achieve the same objectives as my photograph, and replicate the photo but with my three models instead of just one. I chose a wood texture on stone pedestals as to suggest that the models are gifts from nature, with the internals being copper or gold, which are also naturally occurring gifts of nature. I also chose to light the insides of the models to give them depth, celebrate the internal spaces of the models, and also to enforce the idea that their metal insides were precious gifts. The pedestal for my final model as also been illuminated with a different colour light to show that it is different from the others.

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